Ivan Ivanovich Dobryinin

Born before revolution 1917, Dmitry Korshunov’s great  grandfather under Irina Ivanovna line, payed huge snatch to German MFA Humboltd as AT&T heading investor ( according to the contract),  for radiowave/ radio electronics research .

Willed his legacy to his younger grandson’s elder son (пасынок- пасынком на Руси до революции 1917 года называли правнука, а дебилов — писарями),  lived on Съезжинская 10 in Saint Petersburgh.

Dobryinin was authorized to invest Korshunovs’ ( Dmitry Dmitrievich’ father), gold into Bell’s enterprise in 1878 . Ivan Ivanovich and Dmitry Dmitrievich’s father are our ( Dmitry Korshunov,  Yanusha (Яна) Korshunova ( Kochegarova), Elena Michailovna Kochegarova ( Demi Moore Elena — Ghost 1990, movie). — others’ — direct great grandfathers, grands in law., Dmitry and Yanusha together — married heirs.

 My greatgrands were killed by bosheviks in 1917. Dmitry Dmitrievich and Irina Ivanovna marriage: Dim Dimich Korshunov was law school student during WW2, in virtual tie Irina Ivanovna’s stepparent connected with Dim Dimich’ stepparent in Bodaibo and asked where is Dima, found out he was in Leningrad and sent Irina to him, they got married but didn’t have kids around until five years when the war ended up.